Julien's Baby Shower April 29, 2017

BUCKFIELD, Maine - April 291, 2017

Hi Julien,

This is Grandpa, your Dad's father. We had a great time at your baby shower. Grammie C (my wife Caroline) and I had a great time meeting many of your Mom's your relatives! We, your Mom and Dad and all of us had fun talking and doing all the activities that they do at baby showers.

You will like the video interview below of your Mom and Dad. Grammie C is the interviewer and I am the camera guy.

I as write this, I and all of us can't wait to see you. Your Uncle Ryan, Aunt Alyson, Cousins Max and Rylee, your Uncle Harry and a whole lot of other people too! (I haven't met them all yet, so I don't know all their names).

When you are ready you will make your appearance. Know this; that you are well loved...lots and lots!

Your Parents' Message to You Julien!


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